Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Christmas in South Africa...Sahara's First!

Both Jackie and I had separate plans for actual Christmas so we celebrated a couple of days early. It is odd for a Canadian, used to snow and freezing cold Christmases to be having breakfast and opening presents out on a patio in very warm weather. It actually doesn't seem to be nearly as big a deal generally as it is at home.

Anyway, it was fantastic spending Sahara's first Christmas with her and my sister. Here is Sahara opening gifts. Like probably every child, she seemed more interested in the wrapping paper than what was inside.

And, gifts for Jackie and I had a distinct really is all about Sahara! The shirt I'm holding says "If my Mom won't, my Aunt will". How true that is!! And Jackie is holding a baby signing book. We're teaching Sahara to sign and we need this.

Even Jesse James got in on the act...

For Christmas dinner, we went to a local Italian place, Doppio least we had a tree somewhere in our Christmas Day!

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