Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Hoedspriut Endangered Species Centre

After a night in the tribal village, we were off to visit the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre. The project is one of the leading private research and breeding facilities in South Africa. It was originally a cheetah-breeding project established by Lente Roode in the late 1980s but has been expanded to include other various endangered species such as rhinos, wild dogs, blackfooted cat, and the African wild cat. The centre also serves as a sanctuary for other abandoned or sick animals such as the tigers (not an African animal) that were abandoned by a circus. Here is Chelsea, a cheetah. Don't be put off by the fencing. The areas are pretty big and allow good movement by the animals. (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Here is one of the tigers mentioned above. There were two of them, and they are old and living out their lives in comfort and care at the centre.

The one below is pretty interesting. It's a "boneyard". It is exactly that...a cement area where carcass remains are thrown. Not wasting anything is a huge philosophy at the centre and really throughout South Africa, and the boneyard is where scraps are put for various birds to feed off this one there are vultures at the top of the picture (top third, first third from left of pic--CLICK TO ENLARGE)

And here are some animals that are so ugly they are cute. These are African wild dogs. (The joke on the drive was of course, "a dingo ate my baby" from the movie, A Cry in the Dark). The wild dogs look similar to hyenas in facial features and ears, but their coat is mottled brown, black, tan and white. No markings are ever the same on two dogs.

Again, another outstanding thing to see, and well worth it.

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