Tuesday, May 01, 2007


We'll Always Have Paris...

Our teams at work have periodical team meetings whereby everyone on the team meet for a couple of days to review new products, new programs, best practices etc. Usually the meetings are held in Waterloo, Canada, but because our team is spread across several countries, our leadership decided to hold our most recent one in Paris! (again, if I ever whine about my job, smack me).

I was 20 minutes from boarding to leave Johannesburg when Lizzie called about jaclyn having the baby, and spoke to Jac before leaving. It was only 3 days but it was great because I finally managed to see something of a city I was in for work. A team member based in Paris took a few of us on a walking tour of the city. We started at the Arch de Triomphe, walked up the Champs d'Elysées, walked through the grounds of the Louvre, went up the hill to the Sepulchre, walked over to the Eiffel Tower and saw the Moulin Rouge. It was a quick tour but it was enough that I'd now want to see it in more depth when I have more time.

The Moulin Rouge is in a bit of a dodgy area, at the top of the street that is filled with tons of adult shops...and they don't make any bones about what they are. Moulin Rouge is first picture on the left. It was a Sunday and if you look closely you can see the line up all the way down the right side of the picture. The others are just quick snaps of the various adult shops along the street.

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