Monday, January 15, 2007


Visits to Cape Town

So the dates of the next few posts will be the same, I am catching up and want to provide pictures for everyone as well.

Once I got back to South Africa after Thanksgiving, I was lucky enough to have several things to do in Cape Town...lucky because my sister lives there. Unfortunately, I don't have a good picture of her to post here but will make sure to get one.

Anyway, I managed to work it out that I could spend parts of three weeks with her. She had to work but we did see a few things. She was doing charms at a couple of Christmas markets and from that I found a new craft hobby...loom beading! I don't have pictures yet but I have made several key chains and security lanyards that I think are amazing. I am now looking to make enough of them to maybe sell at a couple of events next year. Beads are huge here.

Something else that is pretty plentiful unfortunately, in Cape Town, are informal settlements made up of mostly tin shacks. These have gotten much larger in the last few years as many people have moved into the cities for jobs..thinking there must be plenty of jobs with the end of apartheid. (there might be but not necessarily for the low skilled, uneducated workers teeming into the cities). This is a view of some shacks from the roadway.

Here is another one that you can see a bit better:

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