Monday, January 15, 2007


I'll Be Home For Christmas

Yep, I was just home for meetings at Thanksgiving, but Christmas at home was on the schedule. I think Al Gore might have something...the weather was a balmy 8 - 12 degrees the whole time i was there and in Sarnia we enjoyed a wet, brown and green Christmas. Really more like March than December. Being how much I love shorts, I took advantage of the gym shorts I had with me. I didn't get to wear the beautiful red Christmas turtleneck I brought though.

Travel is always a chore when it's that far away and this trip offered it's blessings and challenges. I decided to try World Travel Plus rather than business class. Well, won't do that again. It means two seats across rather than 3 so the seats are wider but the recline is about an inch further than regular econonomy. Totally not wortht the extra $2000. I did get lucky though because I got upgraded to business class from London to Toronto! Nice surprise. Over all it wasn't too bad. Okay...I just re-read that last paragraph and I am spoiled rotten!!!

Met Jodi and Tania for dinner at Sole in Waterloo (always great to see the girls) then off to Sarnia.

Overall very busy trip. Luckily Andrea was off the same three weeks so managed to spend a lot of time catching up and hanging out. Managed to make it to about 4 parties and even got to Indiana for a quick visit to see the American contingent. Always very glad to get there to see Sharon, Makaila, Wayne and Whitney. I met Sharon's new dog Rusty! Great little dog...I wanted to steal him and bring him back with me...and he's small enough!!

And even celebrated a big 40th birthday...though Becky tells me that if you aren't in the country in which you reside when you turn a birthday that ends in zero, it doesn't count. So I guess I'm 39 and holding! Thanks to Becky for putting the party with the girls together and thanks for all the girls for making the effort to get to 2 Amigos for it...i appreciate it in a very hectic busy season.

And of course there were gifts. here are a couple of pictures of Jordan and Laura, my niece and nephew, opening gifts:

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