Wednesday, June 21, 2006


NOT the cat's meow...

Hopefully first impressions aren't all that important. After flying for 20 hours and full travel time of closer to 30 hours, I got to my new apartment and was excited to get the keys and have a look around...and to relax a little. The place looked great for the most part. but when we got to my room I had a nice little (well, not so little) surprise waiting for me. On my nice new lovely crisp white sheet and duvet were the scatological leavings of a lovely cat (poop y'all). At first I couldn't find the little bugge...errrr darling, but there he was, under the bed looking pretty scared. Turns out he'd been trapped inside for about 2 days, and for not having anything to eat, he sure enough did his business. Yuck. Yes, it's Winter in Johannesburg, but it's not like Canada, eh (it's pretty warm during the day...maybe 75 degrees) and so the smell was nasty. I wish he could have used this space as shown wiht my sister, above.

We tracked down the owners who were out driving somewhere. so overcome with joy were they that they asked if we couldn't just grab him and put him in apt 40.'s scared, and maybe viciou s, I don't know you from Adam,and I'm actually going to be busy washing my sheets and duvet. I won't be but they don't know that yet.

The owners, Mark and Allison, were actually very nice. They took the stuff to wash up. Well, turns out it *is* winter so that means around freezing at night...with no blankets or duvet. Turns out the Intercontinental Sun is a great hotel despite the wacky electrical plug thing, but that's another story. I now LOVE Mr. Price Home simply because they sell nice blankets at a reasonable price.

After so day 2, still no duvet...very difficult to dry apparantly. Day 3...still nothing. No matter what they do, they can't get the smell out. But yet they give it back to me like there's something I am going to want to do with it. The next day the home relocator firm, Elliott (excellent by the way), delivered a brand new one and snippity snap, Bob's your aunt, and I am finding it more like home.

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